Silvia Ciccu's profile

footsteps (a homage to Ugo Foscolo)

Alla sera

 Forse perché della fatal quïete
     tu sei l'imago a me sì cara vieni
     o sera! E quando ti corteggian liete
     le nubi estive e i zeffiri sereni,

     e quando dal nevoso aere inquïete
     tenebre e lunghe all'universo meni
     sempre scendi invocata, e le secrete
     vie del mio cor soavemente tieni.

     Vagar mi fai co' miei pensier su l'orme
     che vanno al nulla eterno, e intanto fugge
     questo reo tempo, e van con lui le torme

     delle cure onde meco egli si strugge;
     e mentre io guardo la tua pace, dorme
     quello spirto guerrier ch'entro mi rugge.

 Ugo Foscolo

To the Evening

Perhaps because of the fatal silence
you are the image I cherish when you come to me,
o evening! and when happily
the summer clouds and the warm breezes court you
or when from the snowy air you lead
restless and long shadows upon the universe
you always descend, invoked by me, and the secret
pathways of my heart you gently hold.
You make me follow with my thoughts in the footsteps 
that lead to the eternal void, and meanwhile
this guilty age passes away, and with it the crowds
of cares depart, so that it dissipates with me;
and while I contemplate your peace,
the warrior spirit that roars within me sleeps.
footsteps (a homage to Ugo Foscolo)


footsteps (a homage to Ugo Foscolo)

footsteps (a homage to Ugo Foscolo)
