Web and online graphic design, user interaction design
Examples from the recent sports betting and online gaming digital campaigns.

HTML4, CSS2/3, jQuery, ASP.NET includes, Perforce SVN, CMS
Redesign of poker pages and accesibility to its products.
Graphic design, information architecture, HTML, CSS, javascript/ jQuery, CMS, ASP
Game of the week banner and page design and coding
Graphics, HTML, CSS, jQuery, ASP
"Red Card Refund" Bonus page design
Graphics, HTML, CSS, CMS integration
 "A new door is opening for poker" teaser page
  "be there" the bonus promotion for tickets to El Clasico game 
Graphics, HTML, CSS, CMS integration
US Open grandslam promotion and bonus information page.
Graphics, HTML and CSS



Examples from the late online sports betting and gaming web design work
