Monster in a Box
Monster/Fantasy FPS Action Title
Legendary is a "what-if" scenario involving a showdown between modern weaponry and beasts of myth.  Can man's mastery of the physical world best the terrors of his own imagination?  We focused on thrilling game arenas that showcased the power of the creatures in a world being torn apart.    The creatures were built for versatility and mobility, serving both more subtle tension building scenarios and higher intensity ones.

My primary contributions were in the Kraken boss design (all elements from paper design to implementation, and scripting), some level encounters and cutscene scripting in Episode 4 through 6, tense Minotaur and Griffin (flying monster) based encounters in Episode 6,  early game design prototyping with the werewolf and Enemy AI behavior, and the Rocket Launcher weapon design.



Legendary was my second shipped title as a designer, aiming to mesh the spectacle of God of War with the game play intensity of Gears of War, or Read More
