Wireframe for KneeTech App
A story board about how to using the applications
wearable device draft
Lo-Fi prototypes
Testing flex sensor with sparkfun board
Due to spark fun flex sensor lack of accuracy and hard to put on fabirc, I made my own flex sensor through conduct thread, velocity, and felt fabric.
Mock up user testing 2
 Mock up user testing 2
Goal - directed Personas
Game interface 1 for the flex sensor. User can use their knee control the submarine and avoid hitting those buildings
app interface
wearable application that can play the game with live data output
testing DIY flex sensor
After 8 user testings, I found out the flex sensor lack of stability, size fitting problems and accuracy issues, I developped this final prototype which used a tilt sensor. The sensor can provide an accurate and stable data output and it easier to wear comparing to the previous one.
Playing the knee exercise game with the new ankle bracelet
Based on the user testing results, I increased redesigned the game interface, where the submarine has less flexibility. This will make the user stick to the exercise required routine.
demo video
KneeTech Website Interface


KneeTech is a wearable device that assist Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstructive surgery patients recover their knee motion and proprioc Read More
