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Shapes Project-- Madison Thorup

Brigham Young University Idaho, Madison Thorup, 2015. Read more below.
For my shapes project, I wanted to incorporate lines, lost and found and unity and variety. I noticed in my preliminary sketches that I liked expirimenting with those elements and principles of design. I believe that I was successful in my experimenting with line, lost and found, and unity and variety. I wanted to use my lines to create the golden section. I wanted to camaflouge it  so that it wouldn't be as obvious. To do that, I didn't mark the top of my composition and used three lines on the bottom as people respond positively to subjects in threes. Lost and found was created by my identical circles. I place the bottom circle directly in the "golden section" and placed the other diagnally across the composition. I place that high circle outside of any line. I placed it directly aside from the bottom three lines and just above the applied line that would rest atop the square. Lastly, I wanted to create unity and variety. I made sure every shape had a partner, identical or not, except the square. I think this helped create movement in the piece as you look for each shapes partner and search for a second square.I enjoyed focusing on certain elements and principles of design to create a successful and balanced composition.
Shapes Project-- Madison Thorup

Shapes Project-- Madison Thorup

Shapes Project by Madison Thorup 2015
