Loran Polson's profile

Grimm's Fairy Tale

Storytelling is an artform that humans inherently do from the beginning of their lives.  Either through imitation or imagination, humans tell stories, and using those storytelling techniques can help keep learners engaged through the course of any unit.  By using storytelling techniques mixed with music and sound effects, I was able to adapt the story of Rapunzel.  What is great about this project is that the objective can be adjusted to fit any classroom or training program.  I have done a project similar to this in my theatre arts classroom, and it challenges students while still allowing students to be creative
 The first step to creating an adaptation is to choose something to adapt.  The overall goal was to create an engaging story based on a Grimm’s Fairy Tale. There are so many different Grimm’s Fairy Tales, so it was difficult to determine which story to adapt. The following images were taken from http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2591/2591-h/2591-h.htm#link2H_4_0017.
Finally, I decided to adapt the story of Rapunzel.
After choosing a fairy tale to adapt, it was time to create a script.  I knew I wanted to focus on Rapunzel in my script, but I was unsure as to which other character I would want to focus on in the script.
For the initial draft, I wanted to focus on Rapunzel and her relationship with the Prince. 
Though I liked the initial draft, I knew the talent I had to work with for recording narration.  I was the only voice actor I had to work with for this project, and my voice for the Prince was not as effective as I would have liked it to be, so it was time to adjust the script to better fit my voice.  I adjusted the script accordingly.
After adjusting the script, I ended up with the final audio narration complete with music and sound effects.  That recording is located at the top of this page.
Grimm's Fairy Tale

Grimm's Fairy Tale

Using only music, sound effects, and narration, I told the story of Rapunzel in a new way.
