Here is a small selection of my comic work. Some of this has been published, some is available for reading online, and some is unfinished.
Le soldat inconnu vivant
Written by Jean-Yves Le Naour, this is my first long comic published by Roymodus in France (only in French).
An adventure story written by Mauro Mantella. This is currently being published online on Vieñeta Uno (only in Spanish). 
The Machine
An original short story. You can read it in Spanish and also in uncertain translations to English, Italian and French.
Una Pequeña Carta Blanca
(A Little White Letter)
Endlessly written by Mauro Mantella.
Le Rouge et le Noir
Artwork for an illustrated edition of the novel by Stendhal (not used).
An unfinished, original short story.
This is a free adaptation of "Las previsiones de Sangiácomo" of the book "Six Problems for Don Isidro Parodi" by H.B. Domecq (Borges and Bioy Casares).
Thanks for your attention.
See more -including some complete translations- in my blogs:
Español | English | Français | Italiano

You can follow my work on: Facebook | Tumblr
Comic Artwork

Comic Artwork

Selection of comic art work.


Creative Fields