Tianyi Liu's profile

Trapped and Reveal

This is a film of a performance and an interactive installation I made for the project about Trapped and Reveal.
Since I have some friends who really care about other people expecting on themselves, like which brand should they wear would be defined as in the specific friends' circle. So I think about all those tags and definition about how does a girl should look like, how to be a girl, how to be attractive are like a invisible burden cloth girls wear every day, that a girl face in real life or life on social network. I want to recover a original look of a girl and help her get rid of all those tags been add on her from other people's ideas or pressure from network society.
I found a kind of material that is solvable with water and draw a lot of symbol on the cloth about all those tags, brands and definiens on what should be a girl like. I use a peeling perspective to shoot the video to indicate the awareness of some impolite and judgmental sight on women at any time. she clean up herself and try to look at the original look of herself. She doesn't want to reveal herself with any specific tags. And my lens as an invisible peeling character withdraw from her life.

For the interactive  installation I made, I use "mirror" as a symbol of reflection to create another way of looking at the performance in the film. Audience can choose to look at the screen directly or look at the reflection of the film on the ceiling. And the swinging mirror machine also reflect the moving image to the whole exhibition space, which work as a kind of strobe flash that create a sensible feeling for audience to immerse in the space with the installation.
The installation make the way of looking at the performance in the video like watching a live performance based on social network platform like Youtube, Bilibili, Facebook...The reflection as a window of different platform. The action of revealing herself in performance of purifying herself represent Woman choose which kind of themselves to be looked at instead of  living in tags, tradition definition and especially comment from social network of how does a girl should be like.
Trapped and Reveal

Trapped and Reveal

This is a film of a performance and an interactive installation I made for the project about Trapped and Reveal. Since I have some friends who Read More
