Maciej Kwiatkowski's profile

Signage for a Students' Hostel

An architect asked me to design signage for a  students' hostel he was developing. The idea was kind of tricky: hostel is located in an apartment of early 20th century town house; most big rooms are divided to create smaller and more cosy spaces, toilets and showers are fitted in every of the spaces. Each of the "big rooms" is marked with one colour. Room numbers and signs for toilets, washrooms and showers were needed.
Below is how the numbers are designed: instead of using font, I created my own set of digits in which number of dots corresponds with the numeric value of the digit.
As at first I intended to put all the numbers and signs on circles - this is how the pictograms were designed. Use of dots was obvious to create correspondence between all the elements of the system.
Round windows fitted in the room, toilet, washrooms and shower doors allowed me to come across the idea that was accepted.
No, this photograph is not mirrored. It is the number that is - to mark the differens between door of the left and right part.
Here's the general viev of the doorway of each room.
And here are some details.
Thank you!
Signage for a Students' Hostel


Signage for a Students' Hostel

Signage designed for a students' hostel.
