The quote that is seen below can have about 1000 different meanings but i have my own interpertation of it. It obviously means that you should be a positive person,but it also means to keep a smile glued to your face no matter what. To never show anyone the fact that your afraid,  sad or angry. To always be the person that everyone can fall back on when times are rough. To me this quote means to live your life looking foward to tomorrow rather than worry about today or yesterday. It means to be a person who knows that today can be hell but as soon as the sun rises again and you get a new begining you will be able to greet it with a smile. To be a person who no matter how weak they are or how frustrated you are you look staright foward, straighten yourself up and keep walking. To not focus on your mistakes but rather focus on what you can de to better them.
Wise Words Final

Wise Words Final

A quote is always inspirational and even more if you can match the right picture to it, Im not sure if i did but it is inspirational .


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