Yvette Lee Kim Ling's profile

FairyTails. Pet Event Service

Fairy Tails Pet Event Service

Nowadays, it is not the time that include your pet in your wedding or big day,it’s the time they
have their own big day!! We are here to make your pet have their wonderful experience in their lifetime and you are the one who make it right! When you find your dog is in love, or you want to make the breeding experience.more "genuine", an option available to you is hosting a dog wedding.  
It can be a fun affair, and a good way to get dogs and their owners to socialize.I think this will be a new trend in Singapore as the quality , level and taste of people’s life is keep rising. The population getting older and this is the perfect chance to have a pet rather than a child for accompany.
People have become more and more open minded and creative. We, the entrepreneur needs to be on track and keep itself fresh and keep new to attract customers ,consumers, or clients.
Stationary Design and branding for Fairy Tails Pet Event Service
Pet Funeral Service, a pride and last love that we can do for them.
Love is till the end.
FairyTails. Pet Event Service

FairyTails. Pet Event Service

Fairy Tails Pet Event Service is a Project that focus on increasing awareness of pet funeral.
