Luis Veiga's profile

Poster for Tomorrow 2015 | Right to Healthcare

Every year 4Tomorrow chooses a basic human right to address. In 2015 it is the universal right to healthcare.
Graphic designers from around the world were invited to make posters on this theme - this year the contest received
4980 posters from more than a hundred countries, once again setting a new record.

People don’t have access to the treatment that could save their life even in the world’s wealthiest countries, for financial
or logistical reasons. Poster for tomorrow wants to draw attention on this right as it is enshrined in Article 25 of the Declaration
of Human Rights.
Artists focused on three specific ideas: universal access to healthcare, eradication of immunizable diseases,
and access to drinking water.
Dead or Alive?
"The line between life and death is very thin. We must react quickly!"
Top 100 selected artworks
Right to Healthcare's catalogue (page 63)
 Greece_Athens exhibition
France_Paris exhibition
Pakistan_Karachi exhibition
Russia_Chelyabinsk exhibition
Poster for Tomorrow 2015 | Right to Healthcare


Poster for Tomorrow 2015 | Right to Healthcare

The line between life and death is very thin. We must act quickly!
