Call me old school, but I've been painting with the same watercolor set since kindergarten.  This set has served me so well and still produces beautiful colors.  Thanks, Crayola.
I just moved to San Diego and made these cards to send to friends and family. Materials used are watercolor, ink pen, and gold washi tape.
I felt the urge to draw from imagination but didn't know what exactly to draw.  I texted two friends and asked them to tell me the first random object that came to mind.  Ola said necklace and Radames said fork.  Watercolor and pen.
I'm a certified petsitter which means sometimes I get to hang out with other people's pets.  Sometimes I also paint a picture of them for their parents.  Sometimes I never get paid extra for it.  Actually that always happens.
The real deal!  Buddy on the left and Teddy on the right. <3
My friend Connor got me hooked on the show "The League."  He got promoted to a managing position so I sent him a card featuring Andre (the best character ever).  Technique is stippling with pen and the words are outlined in gold leaf pen.  So punny.
This is my wonderful friend Marcus.  He is the most talented photographer I know and also an amazing designer.  I have mad respect for this dude because he is all self taught and shares his talents to help others boost their business.  He tells me I have an eye for design and encourages me to be creative 24/7, which is probaby the highest compliment ever.  When he's not busy making art, I make him hang out with me.  One day right before I moved to San Diego, he took me to Klondike Park outside of St. Louis, Missouri and I painted a quick Mini Marcus as a little goodbye for now. Check out his IG: @marcusstabenow
One time not very long ago, I thought I wanted to be in policy work. LOL NOPE. I spent a summer living in DC and interning at a nonprofit civil rights organization (super cool I know) and when it was time to leave, I made everyone a card that featured some sort of inside joke or nickname as a way of saying "thank you for being my friend and making it quite clear to me that I am not made for Washington, DC." :P
Christie (left) is from the Animal Protection Association of Missouri where I volunteered for 6 months.  Twigs (right) was found by my dad with three siblings in a dumpster.  I forstered the four kittens in my apartment in St. Louis until we could find suitable homes for them.  My homegirl Deborah fell in love with Twigs (fka Tatiana because she's a Russian Blue) and adopted her.  She is a wonderful cat mother and these two are hilarious together.  I petsat for Deborah for 3 weeks and left her this painting based on the picture below.
Evil villian and her dopey sidekick.
Ink & Color

Ink & Color

In my attempt to revive the art of letter writing and indulge my own weird obsession with sending and receiving mail, I started painting little c Read More
