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Organizer - Miracles

An idea prototype website
Project Overview

Organ-nicer is an organization dedicated to gives patients a second chance at life by providing fundraising assistance, families support with transplant-related expenses and transportation to patients and donors in order to get them to their Organ Transplant Centre for evaluation, surgery and aftercare. Organ-nicer works with patients of any age who need life-saving transplant. Organ-nicer is an important complement to the medical professionals, support groups and other organization to ensure that the transplant patient receives the best services and supports available.

People need an organ transplant if one of your own organs has failed. Organ Transplantis known as Organ Gifting involve the moving of an organ from one body to another, or from a donor site on the patient’s own body, for the purpose of replacing the recipient’s damaged or absent organ. Organs that can be transplant are heart, kidney, liver, lungs, pancreas, and intestine. Organ-nicer provides only three (3) major organs include kidney, heart, and liver for organ transplantation. People who need an organ transplant often have to wait a long time for one. Doctors have to match donor’s organ to recipient’s organ to reduce the risk of transplant rejection after the transplantation. People who have transplants must take drugs the rest of their lives to help keep their bodies from rejecting the new organ.

Project Objectives

Organ-nicer is a national and professional organization whose objectives shall be to:

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Organizer - Miracles