Ana Visser's profile

Various graphics

A pattern made of fascinating insect parts.
A number of label stickers for the jars with powerfood. The stickers say: "Happiness pills", "Charm Extract" and "Wish Nuts". The back sticker has a funny prescribtion/manual. 
The four (yep, there were four of them!) wise no-evil monkeys celebrating the New Year 2016, the year of the monkey.
Two episodes from the life of green parrots and purple monsters that occupy one of the trees in the center of The Hague. My boyfriend and me used to pass that tree on our way to work. Hundreds of birds always broke the silence of the morning with its constant tweeting, and my boyfriend kept on translating their weird conversations to me. One day I will have enough time to draw each story properly.
Being a great Christmas fan I couldn't help but drew a "Jingle Bells" inspired dead horse.
The shopping moles are shopping in the shopping malls.
A card I made for my parents' 27th anniversary.
Dragon Slayer Mice.
In winter times, my storage-room is inhabited by mice. I'm really scared to look inside: to me those mice are brave furry knights and can easily slay the giant human dragon.
Mother Earth lady. 
Various graphics

Various graphics

A compilation of images I've made for various occasions and side projects.
