Stefania Beati's profile

Cities / Amsterdam / Winter Reportage

Winter Reportage
Cities / Amsterdam / Winter Reportage
It's a strange place this latest home of mine, Amsterdam. I still get lost in its time-lapsing sky and shuffling clouds, reporting what I see, here, where I have no roots. No longer as a tourist, but with my sense of surprise fully active. This is what I'm documenting by using vivid colors, contrasts, textures, lines, shapes as well as by the almost near absence of them.
Sometimes this city is made of rain and cold, the light is so monochrome that you are a floating 2D-shape in  Flatland. Sometimes the sun jumps on the water, bouncing on the big windows low, diagonal and palpable. Everything else is just still and clear and you feel like standing on a beautiful, dusty stage just after the rehearsal.
Cities / Amsterdam / Winter Reportage

Cities / Amsterdam / Winter Reportage

Part of a bigger project: "Cities"


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