The New Inn, Hayes
An old Harvester site, we viewed this property with the client prior to purchase and produced some sketch schemes. Once the client had acquired the site we went to work producing plans and elevations creating a space with a much lighter and far more open feel. We proposed the removal of the split levels, the creation of one large central servery and gained the all important additional covers by removing a series of redundant WCs. The bar has a slatted walnut finish with stainless steel features. The main colour scheme is a fairly neutral one and we created key accent colours with the use of bold fabrics and wallpapers. This project involved planning, building regulations and licensing and was on site for 12 weeks. It has been a huge success and we are now looking at the next phase.....
The New Inn, Hayes

The New Inn, Hayes

Photos and details of project Pub and Restaurant Refurbishment scheme
