Miguel Macaventa's profile

Cybertron Wasteland: Swindle

Cybertron Wasteland #5
The Combaticon arms dealer Swindle isn't fazed by the total collapse of Cybertron's economy following the mass evacuations at the end of the War; with business opportunities gone, he's turned to scavenging his way through the wastes. Swindle has a talent for spotting quality product, and with the planet abandoned, he's hoarding as much of it as he can before it's lost or claimed by other wastelanders. And who knows, maybe someday he'll actually find a buyer for some of his stuff; at any rate Swindle's keeping an open mind and a cautiously optimistic attitude, as he knows any good entrepreneur should.
The cigar's actually some rolled-up foil lit with a blowtorch. No one really knows why he smokes them.
Cybertron Wasteland: Swindle

Cybertron Wasteland: Swindle

Some smooth-talking, chain-smoking post-apocalyptic-themed Transformers character art.
