This purpose of this task was to dramatically redesign a hall of fame inductee exhibit. The museum staff and I decided to go with a timeline approach to put an inductee's accomplishments in context of pop culture and world events.
Above is an apron panel marking the beginning of the 1950s with American Quarter Horse milestones.
Above an example of the installed apron panels in the finished exhibit.
(Photos of exhibit by Doug McElreath)
Here's a good look at the aprons and casework with the artifacts from the inductees.
(Photos of exhibit by Doug McElreath)
Inductees are listed with their accomplishments in the form a succint bio. Reversed on black we see the year of induction. Numbers for the audio tour are at the lower right of each inductee tile, reversed on red.
The casework was accompanied by a 9" square card in the case listing the events featured in the background.
Timeline Exhibit

Timeline Exhibit

A dramatic redesign of a large museum exhibit.
