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Exploring Illusions The Use of Optical Illusions in Art

Exploring Illusions
The Use of Optical Illusions in Art
Inspiration for Exploring

Drawings and paintings are all optical illusions.

Successfully converting what we see into flat, static images requires the use of illusionary tools like perspective, scale, and vanishing point. These tools are employed in varying degrees of success by artists, engineers, and mathematicians to depict our three dimensional in-motion world.

The optical illusion paintings, represented in this project, attempt to reduce these tools to their simplest forms. When successful this gives the viewer a pure representation of the illusion.

This success of this work can be measured in the knowledge gained by defining and understanding optical illusions. Applying this knowledge should make it easier to appreciate great art and the artists use of optical illusions. If not I hope you enjoy the illusions. -GR $9.95
Eye Candy Sinuous Curves 5 2008 Oil on canvas 42 x 42 inches
Button Elliptical Form 6 2006 Oil on canvas 42 x 42 inches
Finite Squares Edge Lines 3 2008 Oil on canvas 42 x 42 inches
Exploring Illusions The Use of Optical Illusions in Art

Exploring Illusions The Use of Optical Illusions in Art

Exploring Illusions is a book that defines and classifies the use of optical illusions in art. 112 pages on sale at for $9.95
