First Aid packaging
3 concepts for Salvequick - Student project
The assignment was to create 3 different concepts for the Salvequick First Aid products. I chose to do a pack of bandage roll, mixed adhesive bandages and a spray bandage. The 3 concepts are designed with different target groups in mind.

1. General line sold in pharmacies to modern adults.

2. Sold in supermarkets as a Limited Edition line. Appealed to first time parents who have the need and feeling to take extra good care of their kids - plays on the emotional aspect of being a good parent.

3. A new version of kids bandages. instead of the regular cartoon bandages this lines appeals to the kids who learn "life" by playing the role of the adults. Here they can play and learn caretaking on their teddies whenever they injure themselves.

Firs Aid packaging

Firs Aid packaging

First Aid packaging - 3 concepts for Salvequick. Student project
