Karlien Goss-Ross's profile

7 Sins - Envy: Mirror, mirror on the wall....

I know this has been done and done and done - the 7 sins. Anyway I decided to do it form my point of view - again. Hope you will enjoy the trip with me. This is number one:
Manicured nails, lipstick smile body make-over
Glossy Magazine adverts Botox from to cover to cover
Hoarding and storing
Powders and clothing
Make-up and shoes
More than anyone can ever use 
Why the eyes so cold
Showing revenge so bold
Driving to destructive rivalry
You will die before you cry
Climbing over climbing up
I care for no one but me
2 is a couple 3 is a crowd
You make sure of a knockout in every round
Dear seductive minx
 So full of spiteful tricks
shrewdly planning confusion
Causer of utmost illusion
 You Divide you excite
yoyo up yoyo down
full of spite
You just have to be the one
Pulling strings till you are done
Selfish you proclaim
Blaming all else is your aim
It is their fault that I’m not chosen
Eyes filled with bitterness
Pasting a smile on your lips
You will be my witness
The winner needs some tips
Sarcastic remark
Hits bull eye hard
Shoulder lift in hostility
Air becomes colder – embraces icy
Cattiness becomes torment
Irritations convert to spite
Words cut – disapprove divide
Loathing every moment
Tension mount
Accusations float
The Opposition has no vote
Helpless victim white as snow
Oh So sorry about your sorrow
How could this happen to poor me?
Passive, Spectator me?
It is so not my fault
I refused to be involved
I aimed to avoid
Planned to claim the void
I will not fight
Even though you violate my right
I deserve so much better
It is a choice to stay bitter
Causing continuous deception
manipulating many a discussion
Telling stories and lies
making you my puppet that flies
Control and power is my vibe
For that I will rob, steel and bribe
As long as I can get my way
You will be ok.
7 Sins - Envy: Mirror, mirror on the wall....


7 Sins - Envy: Mirror, mirror on the wall....

Creating a visual portrait of one word in this case ENVY, using symbols and emotions, colour and ideas to try to make sense of an emotion that ha Read More
