Emma Watson's profile

Grease Invitation and Programme

For the second brief I have chosen to produce an Invitation and Programme for a VIP evening viewing of an exhibition at a Fashion Museum. I will be using the help of Pinterest for ideas for this and making the product on Photoshop.
This is my mind map for my Invitation and Programme Ideas. I decided to make an invitation and programme on Grease, as a display of the costumes from the movie.
This is my pin board that I made on Pinterest for inspiration for my Invitation and Programme.
This is my first idea for my invitation, as I like the shape and size of it and it would be easy to post out to the VIP's house.
This is my second Invitation idea, it is simpilar to the first, but I like this one, because the compostion of words and because it follows under my idea that I have for my invitation.
This is my third invitation idea. I like this as there is the dress has been done digitally, because I liked the colour scheme and compostion of text and image on the invitation.
This is one of the programme ideas that I found on Pinterest that I liked the look of because it was easy to read and understand the flow of the event on it, so I took that element and placed it into my final piece.
This is my second idea for my programme that I found on Pinterest that I liked because of the different fonts on the one sheet telling the person the times in a more exciting way.
This is the third programme idea I found on Pinterest, I liked this one the most as it looked nice and because it would be informative for the guests at the VIP event and easy to make.
This is a mock that I made of my invitaion that would give the invitee the information of the exhibition being shown such as the date, time, where it was and what it was about. The measurements of the card is 20cm width and 14cm length, and is easy to post through someones post box.
This is the mock of the back of the invitation which I intended to either make the text or find a suitable image of the words as it is the title of the exhibition and I plan to draw fashion figures where I have placed the women on the invitation that will be dressed as Pink Ladies from the musical.
This is a mock of the inside of my programme. I plan to use the same image as the invitation to show the connection between the two pieces. I plan to place a black rectangle to split the two pages which will hold the information of the exhibition such as the running of the event and if there are any special guests.
This is the mock I did of the front of the programme with a black front page and a pink for the back. I plan to use the same text and fashion figures that I used in my invitation, like the inside of the programme to show a connection between the two pieces and on the back, when folded will have the dinner menu.
This is the picture that I will be using throughout my Invitation and Programme. I took it when I was volunteering in the Grand Opera House of the 'T Birds' and decided to use it in this assignment.
This is my fashion figures that I traced and drew on the iconic Pink Ladies jackets and what girls typically wore in 1950s America.
These are the same fashion figures, coloured on Photoshop. I used the bucket, burn and dodge tools to fill in the images and to age highlights and shadows.
I started my invitation front, by drawing a regtangular outline and then filling it in with pink as I decided they would be the colour scheme throughout this assignment to incorporate the musical's two groups, the Pink Ladies and the 'T' Birds.
I then added in my image that I wanted for the background, cut out the bits I didn't want and lowered the ocacity to help it blend into the pink background instead of 'being in your face'.
This is my completed front of my invitation. I added the Grease logo that is used in productions of the musical, a line to write the invitee's name, what the person is being invited to and information of the exhibition such as the date, time and the venue it's being held in.
This is the back of my Invitation. I started it with drawing a black rectangle using the rectangle tool, leaving it filled in black.
I then found this image on Google Images, liked the way it looked and it fit in with the colour scheme, so I copy and pasted it into my invitation.
This is the finished piece of the back of my invitation. I placed the fashion figures in, got rid of the background that the font had by using the magic wand tool and then I moved the girls into it, placing them underneath the words and added the 'VIP TICKET' in a similar font as the one I found on Google images.
After I finished my invitation, I started onto my programme. I started by drawing a line, using the line tool and because it was quite faint, I duplicated the line and placed it on top to make a distinctive line on the page. I then used the rectangle tool and drew a black rectangle, added to the weight of it and once I was satisfied, I duplicated it and placed it onto the other side of the line to split up the two pages.
The next thing I did was, I used the paint bucket tool to fill the whole page pink, the same shade used in the invitation and I copied the cut out version of the picture that I took, and placed it onto the page, ensuring that they didn't go out of the black rectangles that I drew.
This is my final version of the inside of my programme. I added text in Book Antiqua Regular and Wingdings Regular to type in the information of what would be going on during the VIP event.
This is the start of the outside of my invitation, I first duplicated the centre lines and the black rectangle outline from the inside of my programme. I then drew a black rectangle, using the rectangle tool to the same size as the black outline and placed it on the other side of the centre line, making the front and back of the programme.
The next thing I did was, I took the image of 'Grease is the Word!' from the back of my invitation and duplicated it onto what will be the front of the programme and then I made a text box on what will be the back of the invitation and used the fonts Book Antiqua and Webdings to type the menu.
This is the final look for the outside of my programme. I added in the same fashion figures that I used on my invitaion back to show the incorporation of the two pieces.
Design Critic
Why does the chosen work represent the best outcome of the options you could have developed?
The work that I have carried out, is the best outcome of the options I could have chosen to do as, I feel like I really utilised the research that I carried out opposed to in previous times where I did the research and didn't use it in my work. And I had this idea from the start and I like the way that it has work out.
How does your work compare with the professional work you researched?
The work I researched was more for the composition of wording, imagery and the size of the piece as I had this as an individual idea, that I brought to life through using the research for what I did at the start of the project, but I feel like I could have brought it up to a better standard, but due to not having the materials on hand, I utilised what I had around me and worked from there.

What were the constraints and difficulties you encountered?
The constraints and difficulties that I faced was, how I was going to print them out and what I was going to print them onto as I was intended to make them look professional, but as I could not find the desired material, I got white card and printed onto it and cut and folded it into what I wanted the final outcome to be.

How could you have improved the process or outcome?
I could have improved the process or outcome by using different imagery or fashion figures than using the same ones throughout and using a more professional card that companies would use to print these sort of things off onto for these types of events.
Grease Invitation and Programme

Grease Invitation and Programme

An Invitation and Programme made for a VIP exhibition
