Vaka, Canoe (model), Niuean people, Alo , Niuea, c.1865
The canoe was designed for optimum maneuverability across coral reefs in shallow water. Construction methods and decorative carvings varied across different ethnic groups in the Pacifc region. From one-man structures to large vessels, each boat was made according to different conditions and purposes. 
Hunting Club, Dharuk People, Port Jackson, Australia, c.1885
A ‘Waddy’ or club carved from heavy timber and used in hand to hand combat. This powerful weapon was capable of splitting shields as well as stunning and killing prey. They were constructed by both men and women and were sometimes embellished with stones glued with beeswax. 
Woman’s Headress, Banaban People, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, c.1972
A decorative headress made from woven dried palm leaves, small feathers and seashells. This headress is worn by the women of the Banaban tribe during traditional dances performed at cultural, social and religious events. 
Kundu Drum, Murik Lakes, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, c.1977
An hourglass shaped drum carved from regional wood and snake skin membrane. the kundu is used in many religious, cultural and social occasions, even featuring on the country’s coat of arms. In Papuan culture, the beating of the kundu symbolises the voices of their ancestors. 
Shark Rattle, Tigak People, Maiam Village, Papua New Guinea, c. 1986
This rattle was used by the village sherman to attract and hunt sharks in the region. the rattle was submerged underwater and shaken to simulate a school of fish. Shark fishing was admired in the villages as a means for providing for the community. 
Firestick Cover, Yarrabar People, Cairns, Queensland, c.1986
Utensil embellished with jubular seeds and small shells pressed with resin. e cover was a crucial aspect of food preparation, ensuring that re-making tools were kept dry in the tropical climate of the region. e cover is also a perfect example of the decorated personal items that were created by the Yarrabar People. 
Artifact Postcards

Artifact Postcards

A series of illustrative postcards for Macleay Museum, each depicting Aboriginal, Melanesian and Polynesian cultural artifacts. The brief requi Read More
