Purple Ling's profile

茶谊 Tea.Friend


The subject, TeaShip, comes from tea-sip and friendship. Through tea-sip, people can build friendship. Both TeaShip and tea arts are pronounced “Cha-Yi” in Chinese. Tea arts mean that tea is a kind of art expression. In logotype, the green leaf on “Cha” represents the image of tea. The green radical in “Yi” represents one-of-a-kind. The logotype is mainly consisted of green and brown and combines the features of little animals.
茶谊 Tea.Friend
Everybody feels different about handmade ceramic teapot. Every teapot has its own personality as every man does. It is unique and nothing can replace it. I use teapots to convey the meaning of tea-sip.  The shapes of teapots are mainly hedgehog and squirrel with little stories.
Hedgehog (Help Each Other and Be Closer)

In winter, two hedgehogs feel cold and huddle up together in a cave. To warm each other, they embrace each other. Since both have spines, they feel so uncomfortable. They separate, feel cold, and hold together again and again.  Eventually, they reach a suitable position that they can warm each other without being stabbed.
Squirrel (Be Brave to Face and Solve the Problem)

有一天,天空劃下了一道閃電擊中了森林中的一株樹,便燃起熊熊的大火。動物們拼命向森林的外邊奔逃,希望能逃出這場大火。但是,只有一隻小松鼠不選擇逃難,反倒將自己的身子完全沾濕,然後再衝進火場,拼命抖灑著身上沾附的水珠,希望能緩解這場正在毀滅森林的火勢。 小松鼠的舉動感動了天神,降下了大雨,大火在一瞬間便消失無蹤了。
One day, a tree in a forest was struck by the lightening and on fire. All animals fled from the forest except a little squirrel.  It got itself wet, ran into the fire, and shook its body to sprinkle water on the fire. Touch by the brave behavior of the little squirrel, god made a rain to put out the fire.
Ceramic Artwork & Design by Purple Ling
茶谊 Tea.Friend


茶谊 Tea.Friend

茶谊 Tea.Friend (2015)
