Knife Crime
Infographic Poster
University Project

The brief for this project told us to look into a an area in which we thought was of concern. I decided to research into the amount of knife crime within the UK.

I researched into the reasons behind why people decide to use a knife in a violent way, the time of day the crimes are committed, the areas they tend to happen and the statistics of where the highest knife crime rate was recorded in each region of England. I looked into gangs, and where they tend to come from (background and area etc). I also researched knives in general, the types of knives that tend to be used for the violent offenses and why.

From my poster design I want to communicate the statistics for Knife Crime in each region of England. I want the audience to be able to, in a quick glance, instantly see which regions are safest and which regions are most dangerous in England when it comes to Knife Crime.

The audience I want to communicate my poster with is the police and government etc. This is because; by viewing my poster they will know which regions they need to keep an eye on more than others and try to stop the violence. The poster could also go up in the lobby of police stations/available for the public to view, so that the general public know about the problem and can try more campaigns, and also decide on which regions they would want to live in if they find this a problem.

For the typeface of the posters “title” or “masthead” I decided to use Cracked, this is because it has the effect that looks as if it has been slashed and with the poster being about Knife Crime, they link together. For the rest of the poster I have used Futura, as it is easy to read and is also quite modern looking. As Knife Crime has recently become more of an issue, then a modern looking typeface also links into the theme of the poster. For the colours of the map of England I have linked it with the met-office by using the “Be Aware”, “Be Prepared”, and “Take Action” colours and quotes.

Design Authorship

Design Authorship

University Project The brief for this project told us to look into a an area in which we thought was of concern. I decided to research into the Read More


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