Allison DeVoe's profile

The Telework Coalition

The Telework Coalition
Website Design & Development

Adobe Photoshop CS3, WordPress, XHTML, CSS, PHP
The Telework Coalition works to educate and legislate for telecommuting issues, and connects organizations that share that goal. Their website did not have a clear hierarchy or other organization scheme, with new pages added at the parent level.

This was a team project, where our main focus was the Information Architecture since none existed beforehand. Page categories and heirarchy levels were discussed as a group, and my main role was implementing them. The teaam leader wanted to use a Wordpressinstallation so that Telcoa members could update.

My role was taking the existing design and modifying it to the needs of the client and the new IA. I then created all categories and parent pages, and added saample content so the client had examples to work from. The project leader relied on me heavily towards the deadline to pick up slack from other team members.

The Telework Coalition

The Telework Coalition

The Telework Coalition works to educate and legislate for telecommuting issues, and connects organizations that share that goal. Their website di Read More
