Winner of Berth Mengedoht Hatz Memorial Award.  Self portrait, acrylic on canvas
Book cover redesign using a favorite quote
Magazine cover using my illustration from kindergarten and headlines from that time period.
Poster created as personal exercise
Kara Walker project, charcoal
Linocut portrait of my niece Lee Ornette Thomas
Reductive/simplification project based on Picasso's Bull series
Asscher diamond, acrylic on board 
Illustration, colored pencil and ink on board
Illustration, graphite on board
Texture exercise using acrylics, sand, gesso, gel, and string on board
Poster created for a non-profit partner housed at Weitz Community Engagement Center, used work of the CEC's art collection as background
Created for Weitz Community Engagement Center
Created for Weitz Community Engagement Center


Miscellaneous work using various medium


Creative Fields