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Improve the brand of Shanghai Airport Authority Brand(


2014年,上海机场集团制定了新一轮企业发展战略,提出了成就“品质领先的世界级航空枢纽、超大型机场卓越运营的典范、价值创造能力最强的机场产业集团”三大愿景。 从门户到枢纽,从功能化到智能化,从交通到交融,从经营者到整合者,如今,成为超大型国际航空枢纽建设和运营管理者的上海机场集团正站上全新的起点,企业形象的重塑与提升迫在眉睫。



1. 概念架构,继承“一市两场、两位一体”的特征,战略上考虑行业属性,地域属性,服务理念,未来愿景。
2. 色彩方向,保有原有蓝绿印象,开发阳光活力的红黄色加以视觉冷暖平衡,稳重与活力,包容与开放。
3. 图形表达,继承原有造型进而优化规范,创造新的视觉符号。

Project background
In May 1998, in order to adapt to the "one city, two airport" is a new pattern of Shanghai airport operation, Shanghai airport group founded, unified management of Pudong and Hongqiao two big international airport. The following year, the first generation enterprise logo is enabled, closely linked to characteristics of "one city two, two in one".2003, Shanghai aviation hub construction started. As an important part of the national civil aviation power strategy and the construction of the Shanghai shipping center, under the leadership of the national civil aviation bureau, Shanghai municipal government, under the Shanghai airport group, Shanghai base airline hub construction units work together, Shanghai aviation hub has basically established, a world-class hub airport scale has been basically completed.

At present, the Shanghai Pudong and Hongqiao two had six runways, four terminal; 2015 passenger throughput reached 99 million people, 370 million tons, two annual passenger volume in the global city ranked 7th, Pudong Airport cargo has for 8 consecutive years ranked the world's 3, the existing more than 100 airlines opened the regular flights to Shanghai, the route network all over 260 cities around the world.In 2014, Shanghai airport group developed a new round of enterprise development strategy, put forward model of achievement "leading quality of world-class aviation hub, super large airport operational excellence, value creation capacity of the strongest airport industry group" three big vision. From the portal to the hub, from the function of intelligent, from transportation to blend, from the operator to the integration, and now has become very large international aviation hub construction and operation management of Shanghai airport group is standing on the new starting point, the remodeling of the corporate image and upgrade imminent.

Improve and optimize the logo of Shanghai airport group, whether strategic or tactical is a huge challenge.
Therefore, the company can be invited to sign in Shanghai airport group design by luck, let us feel the glory of the team.

On the visual expression of direction, basic configuration of continuation of the first generation mark in the history on the basis of the optimization and upgrading of the graphics, color and text, inheritance and development.

The logo design ideas in 3 aspects of the predetermined direction:
1.conceptual framework, inherit the characteristics of "one city two, two in one", the property industry, considering the strategic geographical attributes, service concept, the vision of the future.
2. keep the original color, blue and green impression, development and vitality of the sun red and yellow to visual and balance, poise and vitality, inclusive and open.
3 .graphic expression, the original shape and then optimize the inheritance norms, to create new visual symbols.

Improve the brand of Shanghai Airport Authority Brand(


Improve the brand of Shanghai Airport Authority Brand(

为了适应“一个城市、两座机场”的上海空港运行新格局,上海机场集团组建成1998年5月,为了适应“一个城市、两座机场”的上海空港运行新格局,上海机场集团组建成立,统一经营管理浦东和虹桥两大国际机场。 2014年,上海机场集团制定了新一轮企业发展战略,提出了成就“品质领先的世界级航空枢纽、超大 Read More


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