Clem Jacob Overview
Clem Jacob Hire is a Waterford based company. It specialises in commercial plant and machinery hire. Its owner manager, Clem Jacob, is a well known figure in the local business community. He has achieved legendary status among his client base as a trouble shooter and all-round fixer. The logo we designed captures that “Superman” vision and projects a superhero image to the target market and wider public.
Find out more about Clem Jacob Hire on their website which was designed and built by Passion:
In their own words

"I had just started my new business and got my logo designed by another agency. I wasn’t really happy with it and asked Passion to re-design it. The difference was amazing. They captured my business instantly with a logo that’s distinctive, daring and dynamic. I love it and so does everyone else."

Clem Jacob
Clem Jacob Hire

Clem Jacob Hire

Project Made For

Clem Jacob Hire

Clem Jacob Hire is a Waterford based company. It specialises in commercial plant and machinery hire. Its owner manager, Clem Jacob, is a well kn Read More
