Roxanna Varinia's profile

• Lightworker •

Bringer of light
You wondered around in darkness
Trying to find purpose in life
A life filled with darkness
As though it seemed
A life where nothing was as it should 
Wondering around trying to find light
Bringer of light
This was your purpose all along
To experience darkness
To have understanding
To have the comprehension
In finding light
In appreciating light
In loving light
Without you wondering around 
In the darkest corners of your mind
And soul
You wouldn’t be here today
Here in the light
Ready to shine brightly
Ready to shine your light
In this dark cruel world
As though it seems
A life has lots to be found
Wondering around in the light
You bringer of light
You are here
Expand your light
By sharing it refuels
By caring it evolves
By loving it expands
Bringer of light
Shine your light
Inside and out.
• Lightworker •

• Lightworker •

Bringer of light poem
