Marie-Luise Mildner's profile

Portfolio to Arts University Bournemouth

Pencil Drawing
Portrait of Benedict Cumberbatch alias Sherlock Holmes
Portrait of John Lennon
Drawn with Graphite Aquarelle Water-soluble Pencils
Pencil Drawing
Portrait of Max Krüger alias "Frodoapparat" (German YouTuber)
Pencil Drawing
Portrait of my great-grandmother when she was young
Charcoal sketch of John Lennon smoking a cigarette
Ink drawing
Portrait of Florian Lindhauch (German YouTuber)
Sketches of Jaqen H'ghar (Game of Thrones)
Drawn with Polychromos
Linoleum print
A man and a woman kissing
"Winter is coming"
Acrylic painting of a winter landscape
Digital drawing
A logo for the Facebook page "My Horse Diary"
Painted with GIMP 2
Digital drawing
Character design "anthro horse"
Painted with PaintTool Sai
Digital drawing
Birthday card for a friend of mine
Painted with Adobe Photoshop CS6

Drawing of a panda

Charcoal and white pencils on toned paper

Ink drawing of a koala bear
Ink drawing of a red panda
Pencil Sketches
Exploring male muscular structure
Ink drawing of Per Fredrik Åsly alias PelleK (Norwegian singer and actor)
Pencil sketches of Per Fredrik Åsly alias PelleK (Norwegian singer and actor)
Sketch of Doctor Who actor Matt Smith
Drawn with Polychromos
Two girls
Pen and ink over graphite underdrawing
A girl with red hair

Pen and ink over graphite underdrawing
Charcoal sketch of Charlie Parra del Riego (Peruvian guitarist)
Ink drawing
A man rising from the water
Ink drawings
Two portraits of Jakob Joiko (German singer)
A pencil sketch of The Beatles' eyes
Pencil drawing
Portrait of John Lennon

Pencil drawing
Portrait of Paul McCartney
Hippie girl
Character design sketch
Pen and ink over graphite underdrawing

Hippie girl

Character design sketches

Pen and ink over graphite underdrawing

Hippie girl

Character design sketch

Pencil drawing
Hippie girl

Character design sketch

Pen and ink over graphite underdrawing
Pencil sketches of the character Jack
from the animated film "Pinched"
Pencil drawing
Portrait of Tyler Oakley
Pencil sketches of the characters Jack and Rachel
from the animated film "Pinched"
Pencil drawings
Two portraits of Henning May (German singer)
Portfolio to Arts University Bournemouth

Portfolio to Arts University Bournemouth

Portfolio to Arts University Bournemouth
