I worked with Lysaght Credit Union to develop their marketing brand. In the initial briefings the client was not interested in a photographic solution, discussing various options and styles they liked the concept of simple 2-3 colour illustrations. 

Our first attempt at exploring this option utilised the bold blue of the branding as a base colour, what we found however was that the branding became lost in the imagery as there was minimal separation between the illustrations, message and brand elements. From this we looked at the colours first, identifing a split-complimentary colour scheme to contrast the brand blue. This created a vibrant colour scheme that provided a powerful presence, meanwhile the brand elements developed into a footer which provided a dual purpose - it acted as a barrier to help organise information while naturally highlighting the brand.

To bring attention to the message I adopted an editorial format of a short punchy headline to sum up the message followed by a brief summary and tagline/call to action.

Who: Lysaght Credit Union
Role: Creative Director/Designer/Illustrator
Company: 121 Creative
Lysaght Credit Union

Lysaght Credit Union

I worked with Lysaght Credit Union to develop their marketing brand. In the initial briefings the client was not interested in a photographic sol Read More
