Being a big fan of literature, I chose it as my theme to practice my beginning years using photoshop. I wanted to experiment on the different effects available in Photoshop. In the end this was the result and I'm quite happy with it
Being a big fan of literature, I chose it as my theme to practice my beginning years using photoshop. I wanted to experiment on the different effects available in Photoshop. In the end this was the result and I'm quite happy with it
I designed these icon badges for a child's birthday party. His theme was amusement parks, so I used contrasting colors of orange and blue to highlight its fun vibe, and designed images that makes up the theme.
I designed these icon badges for a child's birthday party. His theme was amusement parks, so I used contrasting colors of orange and blue to highlight its fun vibe, and designed images that makes up the theme.
This is one of my first commissioned works for a heart disease awareness group. It is a flyer design focused on how to get help when on experiences a heart attack and its basic facts, so I chose to design it with cool and refreshing colors with simple fonts and shapes.
This is one of my first inforgraphs and one of my first practice plates in Adobe Illustrator. Since my topic is about energy consumption, I wanted to incorporate an industrial vibe to the infograph. 
My Art Journal

My Art Journal

My journey from being a novice, and finally becoming someone better


Creative Fields