Alena Sheleeva's profile

Interactive installation for Window displays

„[Art is] a means to function thoroughly and passionately in a world that has a lot more to it than paint.“
Robert Rauschenberg
The concept of the project was developed based on the influence of color on human perception. The idea is that each person can be a source of color for the showcase. This will give people the opportunity to contribute their treasure and be inherent in something interesting, cheer themselves up and others, will allow them to pay attention to the colors they have chosen and their interaction between each other. The concept of this project 
is a modern interpretation of a hobby familiar from childhood — coloring .
                                                           Макет для витрин с сумками                    Алгоритм разложения по слоям
                                                          Макет для витрин с обоувью                    Алгоритм разложения по слоям
Значение слоев в орнаменте указанные в HSV
Шкала яркости
Prototype created in Quartz Compozer
The first layer is the darkest, it represents the main frame and outline of the entire drawing. Then from light to dark. All values are represented in the HSV color model.
The algorithm consists in decomposing the video frame into 16 basic color tones and superimposing them on the layers of the ornament with a certain brightness value. A light color tone per layer with a high brightness value, a dark color tone per layer with a lower brightness value. The frame with an ornament for a shoe showcase consists of 4 layers. The frame with ornaments for the showcase with bags consists of 5 layers, including the substrate. Superimposing layers will create a pattern and add complexity to the ornament.
Maquettes for the interactive prototype
Test 1:  work with C.Monet  picture and color sample
"Colour expresses something in itself. One can’t do without it; one must make use of it. What looks beautiful, really beautiful — is also right."
Vincent to his brother Theo, c. 28 October 1885
This quote most accurately expresses the idea behind this interactive project. Color is a sensation that allows the observer to recognize qualitative differences in radiation. Sensation is a process that is a mental reflection of individual properties and states of the external environment. Sensations cause emotions. Emotions are one of the strongest levers of influence on a person.
Based on this, the showcase creates a unique, dynamic image that attracts attention. A person passing by will have a desire to stop and pay attention to her.
Test 2: Test with main colors 
Test 3: User test
Test 4: focus group
An algorithm for decomposing a video frame into color tones. The idea is to be able to superimpose color on brightness. Low color tone to low brightness value, dark to dark, etc.

The HSV color model was used to implement the project.
HSV (English Hue, Saturation, Value — tone, saturation, value). The model was created by Elvi Ray Smith, one of the founders of Pixar, in 1978. It is a nonlinear transformation of the RGB model. This is a color model in which the color coordinates are:
Hue — color tone. Saturation — saturation. Value (color value) or Brightness — brightness.
The use of this color model made it possible to decompose the bas-relief into layers with its own brightness value. Superimposing layers will create a pattern and add complexity to the ornament.
The interaction scenario is that the showcase reacts to a person passing by.
A video camera or kinnect controller is installed in the showcase, which allows you to read the video sequence from the space in front of the showcase. As soon as an object appears in the field of action of the cameras, information (color) is read from it and, with the help of a developed prototype, they are superimposed according to a certain algorithm on the decorative frame in the showcase. This leads to the fact that the decor displays the colors read from the object in front of the camera and change along with the movement of the object in real time.
In the Kinect settings, you can adjust the area of the read space. Make it larger or smaller in area.
It is assumed that the colors are read only from those appearing in the designated boundaries of the object, and not from the background and environment. To do this, the background and environment are cut out of the video sequence, but these settings are made already during the implementation of the project.
This is a prototype of an interactive installation, made by example, for accessorise window display. There is a connection between people and the accessories window. this makes it possible to involve the client in the process (game) and arouse interest. This prototype was created in Quartz Compozer. It is visual programming language based on a node system.
Project: Interactive installation  ⎮ Title: Master's Degree thesis project ⎮  Year:  2016

Created by Alena Sheleeva, Program developing by Gosha Shabalev 
Interactive installation for Window displays