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acclimate | group mindfulness

acclimate: battle the breakdown

Acclimate was a school project-turned-passion in design school, a program I created in partnership with UCO Counseling Services specifically for the UCO School of Design students. It was positioned as a break during the day to practice Mindfulness in the hopes of teaching deadline-focused students the skill of being present and "acclimating" to a lifestyle of stress, even if only for a few moments. 

As an idea for a widespread program adoptable by any school or company, the products below were made for reasons both practical and promotional in that wider scope. The purpose of the animals shown is exemplary of what acclimating looks like naturally: creatures who adapt and change to fit their own environment in the face of stress.
acclimate | group mindfulness

acclimate | group mindfulness

It took me two and a half years of design school to realize that nobody really took the time to take care of their brains before their projects. Read More
