Alice Cave's profile

Underground / Overground

The brief for this magazine was to create a magazine based around an event we have attended. I decided to base mine around events I often attend, and the centre of a large subculture in my home town Bristol. Creating a two sided zine, named Overground / Underground, the Underground represented my personal experience in the underground culture and event, and the Overground showed outsiders views. I decided to use a lot of white space and minimal text in the underground section, trying to use my inspiration from street wear magazines, and the overall minimal aspect of many street wear brands, a large part of the subculture. I tried to make the Underground section appear busier and more cluttered as it went on, to demonstrate the busyness of the actual event. On the Overground side, I wanted to make it more like an actual magazine, almost reporting the subculture and event that could be seen overleaf. I kept this layout stricter and stuck to my grid a lot more. I used an article from Vice Magazine in 2016 for my text on this side. I also printed stickers and made more of a play on the street wear element and the name of the document, by combining two rival street wear brands to create the overground and underground train symbols in London.
The actual magazine was naked stitched with red thread, using the blue page to show the split between the two sides. The magazine required flipping over, as half appeared to be upside down, showing the contrast between the two sides more.
Underground / Overground

Underground / Overground

The brief for this magazine was to create a magazine based around an event we have attended. I decided to base mine around events I often atten Read More
