Tara Sullivan's profile

Haunted NC Visualization

Location: The main screens are maps with markers at different points; the markers are shown where the haunted location or ghost is said to be. This also shows which areas of the state are supposedly the most haunted.
Color: Each marker is given a color which describes its classification. A haunt can be blue for passive, green for active or mischievous, or red for malevolent.
Size: The size of the marker determines how famous the haunt is or how many times sightings have been reported. The taller the marker, the more well-known the story is.
A user can explore the whole state or individual city, read about specific stories and reported incidents, and find information about visiting the location.
The four screens below show the kiosk screens for introduction to the visualization, ghost map of North Carolina, ghost map of Raleigh, and the history and ghost story of a specific location, respectively. They each include my introduction paragraph, which I wrote as a poem to add to the fun, spooky brand I tried to create.
My visualization would be best displayed on touch screen kiosks so that users can interact with the information and stories. I would like to place the kiosks either near some of the haunted locations or just within various cities throughout North Carolina. This image show the kiosks in front of Mordecai House, one of the haunted places in Raleigh listed in my visualization. The first image shows two people interacting with a kiosk which is showing the story of Mordecai House. The second image shows each of the four screens on kiosks.
Haunted NC Visualization

Haunted NC Visualization

This project was to create some kind of data or information visualization related to the city of Raleigh. My visualization shows ghost stories an Read More
