Dive Knife x Tai Chi
Product Design
近年來,潛水運動已成為時下年輕人喜愛的運動。 如果人們想安全的在水中潛水,就需要一把好用的潛水刀來保護他們的安全,而潛水刀就是執行水下潛水時可以解決一些緊急情況的必備工具,特別是在一個潛水者被漁網纏住的時候,就會需要它來幫助解決這項問題。
Scuba diving and snorkel diving have been exciting water sports for young people recently. If people want to dive under the water safely, they will need a helpful diving knife to protect their underwater safety. A dive knife is a necessary tool that can solve some urgent situations when you dive underwater. Especially if a diver has become entangled with the fishnets, you will need a dive knife to cut the fishnets to solve the problem.
Dive Knife sketch
Dive Knife