CD challenge  viking and this is the viking I made .  I like doing these sort of challenges it really motivates me to push things further get more creative and try different ways of drawing etc. Special thanks to Dilyana Bozhinova for the inspiration and advices count have made it without you.
After and amazing and breathtaking experience from Wardruna's Visit in Sofia I was just compelled to and bound to get inspired and create.
This is the singing fox the elusive viking whose axes are as quiet as a striving fox for the kill.
Back on the vikings again . I want to get that pure digital painting stroke etc allmost like a sculpted 3d model with a paintover and with some fresh colors here and there . Visage wise the noble viking warrior amongs the wilds with his faithful raven companion
Was gone for a week or more away from any media and I completely delved into sketching alot of things in my scrapbook just for my pleasure I found it amazingly inspiring and finally I decided to take it to the next level finishing it yesterday with colors and everything .I also gained a ton of inspiration exploring different stylizations of characters ornaments and much more. I really want to make a serious impression on CDC challenge on facebook wich has the theme #viking this month so working my butt off
I bring you Halldora the dragon priestess . This is dedicated to the lovely and inspiring Dilyana Bozhinova a.k.a. Moerin and her amazing art . I took one of her pictures and drew a cartoonish look on her she loves dragons she's practically her mother since they're taken care of since they're eggs etc. Again Im back on the non linear sketch approach to the work last time Jonan was an exeption since I started doing him with lineart .
After a battling week of heavy layering light working proportion overthinking and drawing the next viking is ready  [:P]  . This is inspired by a sketch I saw on pinterest somewhere but I dont remeber where from. I was hung up this whole week on finishing it . Havent been stuck this long on one piece .


At first I just wanted to make one desing for the character desing challenge on facebook but I really got into the whole viking theme wich made m Read More
