Grace Milas's profile

Design Authorship and Ethical Design

Raising the awareness of health issues in Ghana through the power of Coca Cola
This project was influenced by the gap year in Ghana in 2009. In 2009 I spent 8 months teaching in a boarding school for orphans and vulnerable children in a small village in the central region of Ghana. During my time in Ghana one of the most important things I learnt was that it doesn't take money and materialistic goods to make someone happy.

When I was given this brief my initial thoughts were of the children I taught in Ghana and their admiration for and obsession with Coca Cola. The children that went home for the holidays would often bring back the labels from bottles of Coca Cola. They would give them to their friends at school as presents and would swap them with each other for sweets and money.

I therefore decided to use this interest in Coca Cola labels to design a way of educating the children about health issues. I have therefore used the same design as Coca Cola and changed the content to educate readers about the three main health issues in Ghana - Malaria, Cholera and AIDS.
Design Authorship and Ethical Design

Design Authorship and Ethical Design

This piece uses the famous Coca Cola branding to educated local Ghanaians about the three major health issues in Ghana.
