The objective of this was to learn and practice image integration on photoshop.
Instead of doing something random, I wanted to do something amazing.So, I started by brainstoring my main characters or elements.
Which were - A teenage girl and a panda
Now I was looking for connections between both these elements, teenage girl and panda.
The reason I chose these Characters were that both were interesting and unusual
These images helped me make a better connection between the two characters.I got inspired by the concept of mecha, especially the ones controlled by girls.
Some very basic anatomy study of a Panda, as I wanted to know what is under all that fur and fluffiness.
I started doing some very rough sketches to finalize a concept, and fix my direction.
I took this image as reference for scale and also as a reference to place my images.This Image was extremely useful, and probably would not be able to make much progress without it.
These are the images I chose to create my- Mecha panda.
Started placing images,with the help of the reference image.
Now I began cropping and distorting my images.It was also important for me to make sure all the parts were in the same perspective.
I even used hand blenders in place of hydraulics.I felt that this expanded my creativity.And I never knew I would have so much fun doing it.
Placing the girl inside he pod was slightly tricky, put the job got done.
Pretty Panda

Pretty Panda

Photoshop image integration.
