New technology has really affected my project because it looks much, much better than anything I could have attempted to draw. Technology also gives me much more inspiration on what I wanted to create. I looked on Pinterest and saw ideas on how I wanted to make the body of the owl, and how I wanted the antlers to look. I also looked at my sketches compared to some I also saw on Pinterest, and changed my whole outlook on the project several times.
If this technology didn’t exist, my probably would have probably ended looking like a total wreck of a drawing with no hope of even getting a good grade or any praise. (This is why I am not taking drawing!) I also really love how 3D my project turned out. When I put my drawing into the computer, I was so intimidated on what I was supposed to do, but I just trusted my instinct and looked at some more vector inspiration on Pinterest and figured it out! I am really happy with how my project turned out, and technology really helped bring together my whole idea.
Questions from “Creating Believeable Characters” by Ginny Weihardt
Where does your character live?
Cleveland, OhioWhere is your character from?
How old is your character?
What is your character called?
What does your character look like?
As a human, she’s a fairly normal girl. In her monster form, she is an owl that has antlers and dark eyes. She also has bat wings instead of regular owl wings.
What kind of childhood did your character have?
She had a pretty normal childhood, her mom left when she was a baby and she only has the memory of her in pictures. Her dad was pretty distant since her mom left, but he just lets her be independent and be herself. She never had too many friends, but she did good in school.
What does your character do for a living?
Transforms back into a human and goes to school and works at a hippy clothing store occasionally.
How does your character deal with conflict and change?
With conflict, she usually can be a little feisty and stand up for herself, and she actually fights pretty well. When it comes to change, she can handle it pretty well and stuff.
Who else is in your character’s life?
Her father and her dog. (She doesn’t have too many friends)
What is your character’s motivation in this scene that you will illustrate?
She is in her animal form and she is sitting on a tree limb watching the street.
Pinterest Board:
Monster Project

Monster Project

First Semester Monster Project Mr. Robert's Class Grade 10 2015
