Summative Project: Animation 2016

While traveling through the dark emptiness of space, a brave astronaut is marooned on an alien planet.  He must remain faithful in his hope to return home.  Along the way, he runs into some unexpected help.  
This Project is a digital animation made using Flash.  All sounds for the project will be made in edited through Adobe Audition. All components for the animation (inlcuding the sound) will all be put together using Adobe Premiere.
Principles of Animation:
-Squash and Stretch
-Secondary Actions
-Follow through and Overlapping Action
-Solid Drawing
Plot Points:
- An Astronaut is traveling throught space
- From out of nowhere an astroid hits the side of his ship
- He crashes onto a planet
- Fastforward to night time on the planet and the Astronaut is sitting near the burning wreckage of his ship
-He rises to his feet and kicks a shrub in frustration.
-The shrub makes a whimper
-The shrub turns out to be a dog and runs away
-The Astronaut feels bad, but goes back to his spot and falls asleep
-He wakes up the next morning with the alien dog pulling out an item from the wreckage.
-The Astronomer goes to the dog, he notices that it is his telescope
-He takes the telescopeaway from the dog
-Transition to night time and the Astronaut is using his telescope and taking notes of the nightsky
-He notices a ship passing by.
-He diecides a to try and find a way to make contact with that ship
-There is now a montage of the Astronomer trying rebuild his ship with the help of Pupper(the alien dog)
-A few days past, and the Astronomer has completed rebuilding his ship.
-He enters his ship with Pupper, and both take off successfully.
-As they are taking off one of the wings of the ship begin to tear apart.
-Pupper goes outside to try and hold in place as the ship leaves the atmosphere.
-The ship manages to leave the atmosphere but Pupper falls back to the planet.
-The video ends with the Astromoner flying away
Student working final draft of the pitch
Story Board
Concept Art
Student working on concept art
Students finalizing conept art digitally
Ship for the Main Character
students working of the final animation
The final export of the animation
Summative Project: Animation 2016

Summative Project: Animation 2016

This Project is a digital animation made using Flash and Audacity. The story is of a lost spacefaring hero and an innocent alien, in their quest Read More
