Status Update

Status Update is a weekly audio podcast that offers a complete breakdown of the social media and tech news from the previous week. I began this show in January of 2012 as part of an independent study at Michigan State University. I have produced and hosted 14 episodes at an average of 90 minutes per show. 

This production is meant to be an additional pillar for listeners interested in social media or technology, but also social media marketing. I firmly believe that in order to effectively market your message online, you must know what products your consumers are using to receive the message. This show helps me understand the industry as well as provide others with a keen awareness of the trends of social media and the products their customers are using.

One of the recurring segment on each episode is the App Drawer, where myself and co-host Jared Weseman select an app for Android or iPhone/iPad that we are loving that week. We discuss the app on the show, and then provide a video walk through of the app in video form. 

To add more social marketing content to Status Update, I decided to begin an interview series. Each episode I talk with an individual who is either doing some unique in the social media space, or is working within social media marketing at an organization. To date I have interviewed:
These interviews not only help me grow my understanding of marketing and usage of social media, but also provide valuable information and tips from social media success stories. 
Status Update

Status Update

Each week hosts Jacob Bodnar and Jared Weseman provide the latest information from the social media and social tech world. We talked all the late Read More
