Masterplan città della salute Torino e torre servizi
Masterplan Turin's Health city and services tower
Politecnico di Torino, second year of master degree, architecture and structural forms
For this exam we developed the new Turin's Health city masterplan, with hospital, university, short term housing and a new services tower. The skyscraper called "Vuoti Condivisi" (empty shared) is a tower with some big holes where people can meet, hence the name.
Ground Floor
Hotel plan _ Cluster plan _ Office plan
Section of the tower
Detailed section
Structural details
Project team: Maela De Carli, Diego Fiori, Filippo Gemmi
Professors: Giovanni Durbiano, Walter Ceretto
VuOti COndivisi

VuOti COndivisi

Masterplan della città della salute di torino e torre servizi politecnico di torino, secondo anno magistrale, architettura costruzione e città
