Darby Oehl's profile

The Voter's Handbook

The Voter's Handbook is a final group assignment for my Design and the Web course taken in the Spring of 2016 at Fordham University. Each student created pages for three separate issues discussed in the 2016 presidential race, with the intention of simplifying the issues and motivating younger individuals to vote. 
As a class, we elected an Art Director whose style guide we followed for the design of each of our pages. 
For my part of the assignment, I created a page for National Security, Women's Rights, and LGBTQ Rights with HTML and CSS. 
I also created 7 icons for the "Issues" page (National Security, Women's Rights, LGBTQ Rights, Healthcare, Black Lives Matter, Substance Abuse, and Education Costs).
The Voter's Handbook

The Voter's Handbook

A final group project for a Design and the Web course at Fordham University.
