Blanca - Winner of Best Level of Shelf Impact PIDA 2016

This project was created for PIDA 2016, a competition that's being held by the Swedish company BillerudKorsnäs every year. The assignment was to create a carton package to replace blister packs for an electronic premium product. It should be easy to open but it should be clearly visible if the package has been opened or tampered with in the store. The package was also suppose to have a digital function to interact with the customers.
Our package won the category Best Level of Shelf Impact with the motivation that the jury liked its simplicity and claritiy, there's no mistaking as to what the package contians. It stands out on the shelves compared to similar products. It was also considered to be production-friendly to boot. 
We created a carton package for the fictional company Blanca and their electrical toothbrushes. The company's target group is people whom are very caring about their appearance and appreciates good design, something that blister packaging of today lacks. Blister packs doesn't give the felling of exclusivity either eventhough it's quite an expensive product that's being sold. 
Today most electrical toothbrushes are being sold in a package that gives the feeling of pharmaceuticals and dental care. Most are also sold in blister packages which makes the product feel cheeper than it is. We wanted to give the package a feeling of cosmetic and perfume, but at the same time professionally and luxury to stand out from the packages for electrical toothbrushes of today and to be the obvious choice for the target group.
On the side of the package there's a spot that you can scan and be directed to the companys web site. Since our target group are busy and wants information quickley we got rid of the middle man where you needed to download an app to scan the spot and then download another app then get acces to the information. Now you only need your camera on your smart phone. You simply scan the app with your phone and you will be sent directly to Blancas web page. 
On the web site you can find all sorts of information regarding your teeth, how to take care of them, the toothbrush manual and so forth. The web page has the same modern yet proffessional look as the packaging to catch the attention from people browsing the web page after seeing advertising in social media. This way the web page will also be a way of marketing, since the target group will do research online before a bigger purchase. You can also download Blanca's app. While the web site will give you quick information the app will continue to keep you updated with the latest news. 
The app contains all the information that the web site does, such as the manual. There's only a digital manual to reduce paper usage and to make it avaliable at all times. There's no risk of losing it either. The app also contains a function that the web site doesn't have and that's the reminder to change brush head. You simply choose reminder in the menu and then click start. After three months you will recive a notice on your phone (which can be seen on the third phone's screen) reminding you to change brush head. After three days the coundown stars again automatically giving you time to buy a new brush head and change out the old one. The reason the app reminds you every third month is because it's a recomendation from Swedish dentists to change your brush head every third month. This function can of course be turned of if you don't want to use it anymore. 
Blanca - Winner of Best Level of Shelf Impact PIDA 2016

Blanca - Winner of Best Level of Shelf Impact PIDA 2016

This project was created for PIDA 2016, a competition that's being held by the Swedish company BillerudKorsnäs every year. The assignment was to Read More
