Ryan Davis's profile

Social Media/ Wallpapers done for customers.

These first two social media revamps were designed for customers on request( This included an avatar for Youtube/Twitter etc , a Youtube background and a Twitter header.) They did however request that i use certain characters which originally come from the game League of Legends. I do not claim to own these character designs and rights these to characters belong to Riot Games , i was merely asked to use these characters within the designs for the customers and these specific revamps were done for free.
This social media revamp was designed with only two things in mind. One being that i was requested to use bright colours within the background , and two being that i used some form angel or devil wings within the background. So i simply used devil looking wings and made it appear as if it were covering the text around the sides to give it a field of depth. the "Sakura" logo had to be used as it was the design team i believe he was in.
This was a social media Revamp i designed for a gaming team called Vacant Nobility. They already had a logo to use , all i had to do was design the avatar, header and youtube background. I decided to try do 3D text using only photoshop , and i think the outcome was quite nice. Kept in red as that was the teams main colour, using quite a complicated overlay system i managed to get the text just the way i wanted it.
Below are two wallpapers that i did for a gaming team and their gaming teams owner at the time. These were some of my earlier attempts at using Cinema 4D and Photoshop. Unfortunately i did not keep the original renders as i not know they would become useful at some point. These were pretty simple renders using a plugin to break apart the text to form the look of crumbling text. For the team wallpaper " HTG " i had to use there sponsers on it along with the name i was going by at the name when desiging " Origin ". I used a flare in the background to add some lighting to the background. I love the way these came out , especially the " Viper " one , as without the sponsers it looked alot more clean then the " HTG " background.
This was a wallpaper i did for a friend a the time. Rendered out of Cinema 4D with the colours as they were and the crumbling affect once again added to the text , but with a different affect used on it ( I can't remember the exact terms for what i did to the text in Cinema4D as it had been about 2 years since i used the program). Tried to keep this wallpaper pretty clean , simply added a motion blur going vertical. Along with some snow stocks along the text. Finally added what i thought looked like scratches or something being ripped , to follow up on the name RIP.
Below are 3 peaces of work i did while trying to practise Cinema4D. Now i do agree that these do not belong in a portfolio. But for the sake of Multimedia , it does show i was able to render out different things using plugins , materials etc.
Social Media/ Wallpapers done for customers.

Social Media/ Wallpapers done for customers.

Social Media and Wallpapers done for customers , some done for free.
