Equality for ALL
This painting is titled "Equality for ALL." I feel as though the title speaks to the message I'm trying to send. The US has an awful history of prejudice, and it's time for it to end. No one can change who they love, who they're attracted to, or who they are. Marriage equality was long overdue, and it was my main influence behind this piece. The bald eagle represents the USA, as it's the USA's national bird, and more importantly, it represents freedom. The rainbow feathers breaking off of the eagle, transforming into other eagles flying away represents equality and gay rights, because everyone deserves the same freedoms. The background is moody, cloudy, and cast in shadow because despite this step in the right direction, hatred and bigotry still cast a long shadow over this beautiful country. Even though many Americans claim the USA to be "The Land of the Free," it seems as though people are constantly trying to deny others of their basic rights, based on prejudice and bigotry. It's time to end the hate. 
This piece was done in acrylic paint on 11x14" canvas.
Work in Progress Images
From Left to right: Initial sketch done in colored pencil, start of the acrylic painting, and nearly finished painting.
Equality for All

Equality for All

This painting is titled "Equality for ALL." I feel as though the title speaks to the message I'm trying to send. The US has an awful history of p Read More
